Friday, August 31, 2007

God give me strength

His deployment date is closer than ever and it takes nothing now to get me crying. How I miss him, how proud of him I am, how I love my son. I can't protect him now so I give this job to God. Please protect my son as I can only protect him through you. I'm scared, I miss him, I want him to return to me safe and sound, with all body parts, alive and well with his mind intack and his sense of humor and spirit as well.

I wish I could hold him and fight his battle for him, for I am his mom. I know I can't and he's a grown man doing an honorable duty, but I am his mom. I love him, for I am his mom.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

It is nice to see another mom blogging. Keep strong I understand how hard it is...
