Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Soldier's Mother Creed

"I am the mother of an American Soldier"

I give my complete and unwavering support to my soldier.
As my son serves the people of the United States, so I
humbly offer up my prayers for his safety and the safety
and health of those he serves beside.

I respect his choice to adhere to a strict moral code
and system of values that has preserved our great
country for over two centuries.
I accept that my soldier's first duty is to his country
and I understand that this sacrifice he willingly makes
is what keeps our nation great.

I will never expect anything but the best from my soldier
for I know he is capable. I know that a soldier's heart is
true and strong, and that my soldier will endure.

I will never abandon my soldier, my son, my love.
I will love him unconditionally. he will know I am
there for him, even when he is alone.

I am disciplined, emotionally and mentally tough,
learning to wait for phone calls and letters or
emails home. I, like my soldier, am an expert.

I stand ready to do what ever I can do to let my
son, my soldier, know that we are here for him
beside him, we love him and I will pray for swift
destruction of the enemies of our country.
I am the person who stood guardian of this man
who has become my soldier, now our guardian of
freedom and the American way of life.


author unknown


Administrator said...

Hi, Karen. This poem is enough to make me want to cry.

I wanted to e-mail you privately, but your e-mail address is not listed on your blog.

A civilian, who is a former Marine, provided funding to my company to create an Arabic language and culture computer-based training program. This program is finished, and we are making this resource available for all U.S. troops - free of charge. We've been trying to get the word out for a little over a week now, and it's frustrating (and disheartening) that traditional media outlets have ignored us so far.

Do you have any suggestions on how we can spread the word online?

Below is an excerpt from our press release. Please feel free to go to our website to download the software (under "Free Downloads") and check it out for yourself.

Again, the project is all paid for, so there's absolutely no cost to the troops.


Joanne Chen
Total Recall Learning Inc.

----- Excerpt from Press Release --

The deployment of our troops to Iraq continues; to many, there seems to be no end in sight. Food supplies sustain these brave men and women, while our letters and e-mails keep their spirits high. What else can we do to help those who risk their lives on the war front? Below is the story of one man - a civilian - who is making a difference.

In a conversation with a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps, Mike (anonymity preferred), a former Marine, who is a resident of Alaska, asked, "What do you really need in the field?" Better communication between the American soldiers and the Iraqi people, he learned. The time pressure and burden on our government to provide a continuous stream of manpower overseas meant little time for thorough formal language training for our troops. Imagine eighteen- and nineteen-year-olds trying to keep peace with minimal or no knowledge of the language and culture. It was clear to Mike that an alternative training method - one that closes the fluency gap efficiently - would make a tremendous difference in facilitating and strengthening the relations between our soldiers and the Iraqis.

Mike set out to work. He contacted Total Recall Learning, an educational software company in San Diego, and shortly after, a partnership was forged. Mike would come up with the required financial funds, while Total Recall Learning would provide the resources to create a computer-based training program that facilitates the learning and long-term retention of Iraqi Arabic language and cultural customs.

Today the Quick Arabic program is finished and made available to all U.S. troops and defense contractors - free of charge, thanks to Mike. Mike does not want any credit for doing this; he only wants to help out, he said. Even so, his act of generosity could save hundreds - even thousands - of lives, many of whom are fathers/moms, husbands/wives, sons/daughters, brothers/sisters, grandchildren, and friends. That is why we at Total Recall Learning and Mike want this story to be known.

To find out more about Quick Arabic and download a free copy, please visit or


Please help us spread the word.

Anonymous said...

Also what in that case it is necessary to do?

Anonymous said...

quite interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Nice post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.

Adventure Dreams said...

My son who is a PFC in the army found this and gave it to me along with his copy of the Soldiers creed and together the give me the strength I needed to "let go" I love him and will support his decision. God be with him and all those who serve.

the mother of a soldier

Anonymous said...

One more such victory and we are lost.