Saturday, August 25, 2012

I know it's been awhile

Hello all,
Some of you I see on other sites, and some of you I get emails from here.  So much has been going on in my life I have not been able to write.  It's always in the back of my mind, so never forgotten just not able to get to.  Thank you to all of you who follow me.

My update:
February 27, 2012, my mother passed away.  It has been very difficult for me and more so since I tend to "stuff" my feelings.  Some people can be very cruel, and I don't think for a minute that it was by accident.  I was actually questioned about the love I have/had for my mother because this person assumed I took no time off for her death.  I do have some words for this person, but I won't post them.  I don't feel I need to justify or explain myself to anyone, especially not her.  I will say this, I love and loved my mother very much and not a day goes by when I don't think about her.  So many things of her live in me and some I didn't even realize until her death.  I miss her and I love her.

The other update is that I have moved and with all of that, I have been very busy.  Very stressful time in my life.  I even considered creating another blog just to that alone.  What I went through just to find a house, amazing.  But I now have a place to call my own.

I hope to get back on here shortly to start posting again as I do miss it.  However, at the moment, I'm still unpacking boxes.  I miss posting to this blog and my other blogs. So hopefully shortly I'll be back in the swing of things.

Karen Proud Army Mom
Army Mom Out

My mother on her wedding day.
1938 - 2012
May she rest in peace.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

As I have always said, "Once an Army Mom, Always an Army Mom."

It's a shame that I don't post here as much as before.  I enjoyed reading the comments left.  Even though my son is out of the service he still keeps in touch with the friendships and brothers-in-arms that he has made.  The same for me, I feel a sense of mothering for other servicemen and women that I see.  I often think to myself, you're someone's son or daughter and what must your parents be thinking.  I had actually considered giving one serviceman money that I saw.  Unfortunately, I had none on me.  He may have had plenty but it was more of a gesture of my appreciation and thank you for the sacrifice he and his family have made.  If nothing else, I can at least say thank you.

I really do want to get back to posting more often but time just keeps getting away from me.  I'll try and do better.

Army Mom Vet Out.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Update to the new site

The easiest address to remember is and it will redirect you to the correct site but if you wish you can copy and paste the correct address which is  

I'm doing ok still awaiting to see if my son is going to re-enlist or not.  He keeps going back and forth so I wait.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Has it been that long?

Sorry guys, I didn't realize it had been that long since my last post.  I've been fighting with another website, that is my battle with trying to get another website up and running.  I'm happy to say I'm finally winning this battle. 

The website, well it goes along with my podcast, The Karen Proud Army Mom Show.  The website address is: .  I know there are a few military moms that follow this blog, (if they haven't given up has been a while) and if you wouldn't mind doing an interview with me could you drop me a line here and let me know.  I'd like to have more interviews than the ramblings of a crazy person (me) the entire time. 

So what else is new, my son is still contemplating reenlisting.  While there's a part of me thinking, I don't want to go through another deployment, there's another part of me that says, I knew he was going to be a lifer.  I guess I'll always worry about him and I just need to suck it up.  I have to, because I'm an Army Mom right?  We're stronger than that.  Or show I say, I'm a Military Mom, we're stronger than that.  Because it doesn't really matter what branch it's all the same for a mom.  Unless of course it's a healthy competition then all bets are off. lol

Well I have to remember not to neglect this site so much.  I'll be back sooner.  Thanks for sticking around.
Army Mom Out

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

So normally I'm not one to do New Year Resolutions but this time, I stepped on the scale on the 2nd and just about had a heart attack.  So what did I do?  I'm not officially on Nutrisystem.  I vowed to follow it like I'm supposed to and hopefully drop 30 - 40 pounds.  I've been on NS now for 4 days and so far so good.  The first day was hard but I wasn't prepared, forgot about the vegtables and fruit you must add to the plan or else there is just not enough food.  How does the food tastes so far?  Pretty good, but small portions...but I believe that's the point though. lol  Well, wish me luck and I'll keep you updated.

My soldier, well he's doing pretty good as well.  At the countdown, I called him on the phone because I was out of town and an hour ahead of him.  It was kinda neat, I counted it down and he was able to be there with me (sorta) and then he got to experience his own.  Win win for all.

With all the gloom and doom that we keep hearing about, I think I'll just settle on my own little paradise.  Your life is what you make of it for better or worse.  You just may have to get creative about it.  So better attitude for me I guess will be my second resolution.  I'll give it a shot.

Til next time,
Army Mom Out